Your industry in focus

The manufacturing sector is undergoing a new industrial revolution. Innovations in technology, increasingly global markets, sophisticated supply chains, and tough competition are the new reality. We don’t have to tell you the industry is complex – you know your business. Our goal is to be your partner in resilience. We help you protect your business and empower you to make it better through pro-active risk management services and by providing comprehensive and responsive underwriting, risk engineering, and claims solutions for the specific risks of your business.
Mid to large sized manufacturers
Specializing in:
- Metal products and components
- Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment
- Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies
- Non-critical automobile parts
- Transportation equipment
- Food and beverage
- Machine shops
- Cement and concrete products
- Chemicals (low to moderate hazard)
- Rubber products (highly protected risks)

Sovereign Secureᵀᴹ Manufacturing
Manufacturing operations share common exposures to loss – like buildings, equipment, stock, and loss of business income – and we’ve got you covered. But your complex business needs more. Whether you specialize in metals, machinery and equipment, or food and beverage manufacturing, Sovereign Secure Manufacturing products offer comprehensive protection designed to address the unique, new, and emerging risks to your business.
These key product offerings include:
- Comprehensive base wordings with broad coverage
- Competitive, clearly written, industry-oriented wordings
- Simplified, flexible, and scalable products that are easily customizable
- Digital, interactive modern policy documents that are organized, clear, and easy to navigate
Download the product brochure to learn more.
Our Solutions:
- Property and Business Income
- Equipment Breakdown, including production machinery
- Crime
- Commercial General Liability
- Umbrella and Excess Liability
- Non-Owned Automobile
- Commercial Automobile
- Cyber
- Management and Professional Liability
- Inland Marine, including Transportation and Cargo
Coverages and extensions designed to protect your business:
We develop coverages* to address the specific exposures faced by businesses like yours. The following are just some of the key insurance coverages we provide to meet the unique needs of the Manufacturing industry. Please note that while a selection of key coverages are displayed because of their particular relevance and value to the industry sector, these coverages and extensions, and many others, may also be available across multiple industry sectors. The coverages and extensions highlighted are only a few of the coverages and extensions available. For a full list of coverages, extensions, and endorsements click here.
Food and Beverage
- Contingent Business Income
Coverage snapshot
You depend on partners, like suppliers and distributors, to get the job done. An issue at any point in your supply chain can cause a domino effect of business interruptions that impact your business income. If your supply chain is disrupted because of physical loss or damage to property at one or more of your direct or indirect customers, suppliers, contract manufacturers, or contract service providers, Contingent Business Income coverage can help reimburse you for your loss of business income. Combined with Logistics Extra Expense, these two coverages offer comprehensive protection for your contingent business income and extra expense exposures.
- Logistics Extra Expense
Coverage snapshot
If the normal movement of goods or materials between your premises and a contingent property location is disrupted because of covered direct physical loss or damage to property, Logistics Extra Expense has you covered, providing funds for reasonable and necessary additional expenses you incur to keep things moving. Combined with Contingent Business Income, these two coverages offer comprehensive protection for your business.
- Depreciation in Value of Undamaged Stock
Coverage snapshot
A loss that physically damages property at your facility might leave your stock undamaged, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re in the clear. Certain types of stock must be maintained under stringent environmental quality control conditions at all times. Following covered physical loss or damage to other property on your premises, if your undamaged stock diminishes in value and can’t be sold as deemed by a governmental or regulatory authority, we can help cover additional costs associated with the reduction in value of the stock.
- Social Engineering
Coverage snapshot
We’ve all been exposed to scams - an alert from a security firm that your software needs a fix, or a financial institution advising you to correct an account error. It’s suspicious, and we know not to click. But fraudulent behavior isn’t always as obvious when it comes to our business. The truth is, no business is safe from social engineering. Our coverage helps protect your business if a third party fraudulently impersonates someone to intentionally mislead your employees into transferring money or securities into a third-party account.
- Undescribed Locations - Contents (Worldwide)
Coverage snapshot
In this economy, thinking internationally is key to growing your business. Naturally, manufacturers looking to grow globally may find they have stock or equipment at various places outside of North America that they need to protect.
- Exhibitions
Coverage snapshot
Showcasing your products at exhibits is key to your sales and business development strategy. However, you may require unique protection while attending exhibitions. Exhibitions protection provides coverage for loss or damage to contents while temporarily on exhibition at any location worldwide that is not owned or usually occupied by the Insured, and while in transit to and from such locations.
- Installations Floater
Coverage snapshot
As a manufacturer, sometimes you get involved in the installation of the products you make, like machinery, structural supports, or steel railings, so you may have products at a customer’s site ready to be installed – it’s important they’re protected. In the course of repair, completion, erection, or improvement of a property there's always the risk of your property being lost or damaged by a number of perils. An Installation Floater provides coverage for loss or damage to materials and supplies that form part of an installation project.
- Manufacturer's Errors and Omissions Liability
Coverage snapshot
Mistakes happen. It’s how you recover from them that matters. Our Manufacturers’ Errors and Omissions Liability coverage can protect your manufacturing business from certain third-party financial losses and legal expenses due to claims of errors, omissions, or negligence in your manufacturing process that result in defective, deficient, inadequate or dangerous products.
- Precious Metals and Stones
Coverage snapshot
Precious metals and stones are commonly used to manufacture products like electronics. Precious Metals and Stones provides some coverage for physical loss or damage to precious or semi-precious stones, and precious metals or alloys, used by the Insured for industrial or manufacturing purposes.
- Research and Development Expense
Coverage snapshot
Research and development (R&D) is an important step of many manufacturers’ product development lifecycles. In the event of a loss, Research and Development Expense provides some coverage for the necessary and reasonable additional fixed expenses incurred in order to minimize down time and resume research and development activities that have been disrupted.
Note: R&D is not always considered part of a company’s regular ongoing operations and is often considered discretionary spending. As such, some policies may not cover this exposure.
- Work Damage to Stock
Coverage snapshot
Slippery fingers or a small adjustment error could turn routine machine servicing into a loss. Work Damage to Stock provides coverage towards loss or damage to stock located on premises while being worked upon by the Insured and as a result of such work. It also provides coverage towards loss or damage to stock caused by any repairing, adjusting, or servicing conducted by the Insured on such stock.
- Cyber Event Liability Limit
Coverage snapshot
Cybercriminals are savvy. There are countless ways your business can be subjected to a cyber-attack, like phishing, business email compromise, clickjacking, malware – the list goes on! Cyber Event Liability provides coverage for third party lawsuits relating to a cyber event, such as a data breach of cyber-attack.
- Privacy Breach Expense Sub-Limit
Coverage snapshot
When a cyber breach is discovered, what measures are in place to assist the insured? Privacy Breach Expenses provides assistance to your company to determine the cause of the event, investigate the impact, and facilitate the remediation process.
- Business Income
Coverage snapshot
Whether your business operations are hosted on a physical network or cloud based, you’re vulnerable to business income risks due to a cyber event. If that happens, we can help cover your actual loss and extra expenses incurred in the event of a network outage caused by a system disruption that would not be covered by your Property Business Income policy.
- Infestation
Coverage snapshot
An infestation can swiftly spread through your manufacturing facility, causing major losses through contamination or the destruction of your perishable products. This extension provides coverage for loss or damage caused by, or resulting from, nesting or infestation, or the discharge or release of waste products or secretions by insects, birds, rodents, vermin, reptiles, bats, or other animals.
- Limited Product Recall Expense
Coverage snapshot
The health and safety of your customers is your greatest priority. So, if your product is defective or has been intentionally tampered with (or threatened to have been tampered with) and is at risk of causing harm to consumers, you need it recalled. Fast. Limited Product Recall Expense can help cover certain expenses you incur to withdraw your product from the marketplace. This includes expenses for inspection and testing to determine if a recall is warranted, and your expenses to respond to the recall, including public notifications, crisis management services, shipping costs, your employees’ overtime pay, product disposal costs, and certain costs to repair or replace the recalled product.
- Product Impairment
Coverage snapshot
When your reputation takes a hit, it can take some time to gain back the trust and confidence of your customers. While Limited Product Recall Expense coverage helps you recover some of your expenses to get your products off shelves and returned to your facility, you could also sustain a loss of business income while things settle after the recall. This is where the Product Impairment coverage extension under our Business Income Coverage Form can help. It covers a reduction to your business income resulting from a product recall – a great compliment to our Limited Product Recall Expense endorsement on our Commercial General Liability coverage.
- Stock Spoilage
Coverage snapshot
Stock like produce requires specific temperature controls to keep it from spoiling. Stock Spoilage helps cover the physical loss or damage to perishable stock stored on premises, caused by or resulting from spoilage due to dampness, dryness of atmosphere, or changes in temperature.
- Packaging Errors Cost
Coverage snapshot
Mistake can happen at any point in the manufacturing process, right up to packaging. Packaging Errors Cost provides coverage for the necessary additional costs incurred to repackage stock due to an error in labelling, bottling, or packaging.
- Fluctuations in Raw Materials Cost
Coverage snapshot
Markets fluctuate – and that can impact the value of your stock, and consequently, the coverage required to replace your stock should you experience a loss. Fluctuations in Raw Material Values provides coverage towards the additional cost to replace raw materials that have suffered physical loss or damage at your premises, when the insured stock limit is insufficient because of a rise in value of the stock due fluctuations in the market price.
- Marring, Scarring, or Crushing of Patterns Moulds and Dyes
Coverage snapshot
Manufacturers rely on mould and dies to mass produce products. However, moulds and dies can be susceptible to damage, which can negatively affect the quality of the manufactured product – moreover, they can be expensive to replace. This protection provides coverage towards the loss of, or damage to, patterns, models, dies, moulds, forms, or jigs that are Insured Property located on the premises caused by or resulting from marring, scratching, or crushing.
- Process Water
Coverage snapshot
Manufacturing operations often use water to fabricate, process, wash, dilute, cool, or transport a product. Process Water coverage helps protect your manufacturing or processing operation from loss associated with water contained within a storage tank, used in manufacturing or processing equipment, or related piping located on the premises.
- Cyber Event Liability Limit
Coverage snapshot
Cybercriminals are savvy. There are countless ways your business can be subjected to a cyber-attack, like phishing, business email compromise, clickjacking, malware – the list goes on! Cyber Event Liability provides coverage for third party lawsuits relating to a cyber event, such as a data breach of cyber-attack.
- Privacy Breach Expense Sub-Limit
Coverage snapshot
When a cyber breach is discovered, what measures are in place to assist the insured? Privacy Breach Expenses provides assistance to your company to determine the cause of the event, investigate the impact, and facilitate the remediation process.
- Business Income
Coverage snapshot
Whether your business operations are hosted on a physical network or cloud based, you’re vulnerable to business interruption risks due to a cyber event. If that happens, we can help cover your actual loss and extra expenses incurred in the event of a network outage caused by a system disruption that would not be covered by your Property Business Income policy.
Food and Beverage
- Contingent Business Income
- Logistics Extra Expense
- Depreciation in Value of Undamaged Stock
- Social Engineering
- Undescribed Locations - Contents (Worldwide)
- Exhibitions
- Installations Floater
- Manufacturer's Errors and Omissions Liability
- Precious Metals and Stones
- Research and Development Expense
- Work Damage to Stock
- Cyber Event Liability Limit
- Privacy Breach Expense Sub-Limit
- Business Income
- Infestation
- Limited Product Recall Expense
- Product Impairment
- Stock Spoilage
- Packaging Errors Cost
- Fluctuations in Raw Materials Cost
- Marring, Scarring, or Crushing of Patterns Moulds and Dyes
- Process Water
- Cyber Event Liability Limit
- Privacy Breach Expense Sub-Limit
- Business Income
Coverage snapshot
You depend on partners, like suppliers and distributors, to get the job done. An issue at any point in your supply chain can cause a domino effect of business interruptions that impact your business income. If your supply chain is disrupted because of physical loss or damage to property at one or more of your direct or indirect customers, suppliers, contract manufacturers, or contract service providers, Contingent Business Income coverage can help reimburse you for your loss of business income. Combined with Logistics Extra Expense, these two coverages offer comprehensive protection for your contingent business income and extra expense exposures.
Coverage snapshot
If the normal movement of goods or materials between your premises and a contingent property location is disrupted because of covered direct physical loss or damage to property, Logistics Extra Expense has you covered, providing funds for reasonable and necessary additional expenses you incur to keep things moving. Combined with Contingent Business Income, these two coverages offer comprehensive protection for your business.
Coverage snapshot
A loss that physically damages property at your facility might leave your stock undamaged, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re in the clear. Certain types of stock must be maintained under stringent environmental quality control conditions at all times. Following covered physical loss or damage to other property on your premises, if your undamaged stock diminishes in value and can’t be sold as deemed by a governmental or regulatory authority, we can help cover additional costs associated with the reduction in value of the stock.
Coverage snapshot
We’ve all been exposed to scams - an alert from a security firm that your software needs a fix, or a financial institution advising you to correct an account error. It’s suspicious, and we know not to click. But fraudulent behavior isn’t always as obvious when it comes to our business. The truth is, no business is safe from social engineering. Our coverage helps protect your business if a third party fraudulently impersonates someone to intentionally mislead your employees into transferring money or securities into a third-party account.
Coverage snapshot
In this economy, thinking internationally is key to growing your business. Naturally, manufacturers looking to grow globally may find they have stock or equipment at various places outside of North America that they need to protect.
Coverage snapshot
Showcasing your products at exhibits is key to your sales and business development strategy. However, you may require unique protection while attending exhibitions. Exhibitions protection provides coverage for loss or damage to contents while temporarily on exhibition at any location worldwide that is not owned or usually occupied by the Insured, and while in transit to and from such locations.
Coverage snapshot
As a manufacturer, sometimes you get involved in the installation of the products you make, like machinery, structural supports, or steel railings, so you may have products at a customer’s site ready to be installed – it’s important they’re protected. In the course of repair, completion, erection, or improvement of a property there's always the risk of your property being lost or damaged by a number of perils. An Installation Floater provides coverage for loss or damage to materials and supplies that form part of an installation project.
Coverage snapshot
Mistakes happen. It’s how you recover from them that matters. Our Manufacturers’ Errors and Omissions Liability coverage can protect your manufacturing business from certain third-party financial losses and legal expenses due to claims of errors, omissions, or negligence in your manufacturing process that result in defective, deficient, inadequate or dangerous products.
Coverage snapshot
Precious metals and stones are commonly used to manufacture products like electronics. Precious Metals and Stones provides some coverage for physical loss or damage to precious or semi-precious stones, and precious metals or alloys, used by the Insured for industrial or manufacturing purposes.
Coverage snapshot
Research and development (R&D) is an important step of many manufacturers’ product development lifecycles. In the event of a loss, Research and Development Expense provides some coverage for the necessary and reasonable additional fixed expenses incurred in order to minimize down time and resume research and development activities that have been disrupted.
Note: R&D is not always considered part of a company’s regular ongoing operations and is often considered discretionary spending. As such, some policies may not cover this exposure.
Coverage snapshot
Slippery fingers or a small adjustment error could turn routine machine servicing into a loss. Work Damage to Stock provides coverage towards loss or damage to stock located on premises while being worked upon by the Insured and as a result of such work. It also provides coverage towards loss or damage to stock caused by any repairing, adjusting, or servicing conducted by the Insured on such stock.
Coverage snapshot
Cybercriminals are savvy. There are countless ways your business can be subjected to a cyber-attack, like phishing, business email compromise, clickjacking, malware – the list goes on! Cyber Event Liability provides coverage for third party lawsuits relating to a cyber event, such as a data breach of cyber-attack.
Coverage snapshot
When a cyber breach is discovered, what measures are in place to assist the insured? Privacy Breach Expenses provides assistance to your company to determine the cause of the event, investigate the impact, and facilitate the remediation process.
Coverage snapshot
Whether your business operations are hosted on a physical network or cloud based, you’re vulnerable to business income risks due to a cyber event. If that happens, we can help cover your actual loss and extra expenses incurred in the event of a network outage caused by a system disruption that would not be covered by your Property Business Income policy.
Coverage snapshot
An infestation can swiftly spread through your manufacturing facility, causing major losses through contamination or the destruction of your perishable products. This extension provides coverage for loss or damage caused by, or resulting from, nesting or infestation, or the discharge or release of waste products or secretions by insects, birds, rodents, vermin, reptiles, bats, or other animals.
Coverage snapshot
The health and safety of your customers is your greatest priority. So, if your product is defective or has been intentionally tampered with (or threatened to have been tampered with) and is at risk of causing harm to consumers, you need it recalled. Fast. Limited Product Recall Expense can help cover certain expenses you incur to withdraw your product from the marketplace. This includes expenses for inspection and testing to determine if a recall is warranted, and your expenses to respond to the recall, including public notifications, crisis management services, shipping costs, your employees’ overtime pay, product disposal costs, and certain costs to repair or replace the recalled product.
Coverage snapshot
When your reputation takes a hit, it can take some time to gain back the trust and confidence of your customers. While Limited Product Recall Expense coverage helps you recover some of your expenses to get your products off shelves and returned to your facility, you could also sustain a loss of business income while things settle after the recall. This is where the Product Impairment coverage extension under our Business Income Coverage Form can help. It covers a reduction to your business income resulting from a product recall – a great compliment to our Limited Product Recall Expense endorsement on our Commercial General Liability coverage.
Coverage snapshot
Stock like produce requires specific temperature controls to keep it from spoiling. Stock Spoilage helps cover the physical loss or damage to perishable stock stored on premises, caused by or resulting from spoilage due to dampness, dryness of atmosphere, or changes in temperature.
Coverage snapshot
Mistake can happen at any point in the manufacturing process, right up to packaging. Packaging Errors Cost provides coverage for the necessary additional costs incurred to repackage stock due to an error in labelling, bottling, or packaging.
Coverage snapshot
Markets fluctuate – and that can impact the value of your stock, and consequently, the coverage required to replace your stock should you experience a loss. Fluctuations in Raw Material Values provides coverage towards the additional cost to replace raw materials that have suffered physical loss or damage at your premises, when the insured stock limit is insufficient because of a rise in value of the stock due fluctuations in the market price.
Coverage snapshot
Manufacturers rely on mould and dies to mass produce products. However, moulds and dies can be susceptible to damage, which can negatively affect the quality of the manufactured product – moreover, they can be expensive to replace. This protection provides coverage towards the loss of, or damage to, patterns, models, dies, moulds, forms, or jigs that are Insured Property located on the premises caused by or resulting from marring, scratching, or crushing.
Coverage snapshot
Manufacturing operations often use water to fabricate, process, wash, dilute, cool, or transport a product. Process Water coverage helps protect your manufacturing or processing operation from loss associated with water contained within a storage tank, used in manufacturing or processing equipment, or related piping located on the premises.
Coverage snapshot
Cybercriminals are savvy. There are countless ways your business can be subjected to a cyber-attack, like phishing, business email compromise, clickjacking, malware – the list goes on! Cyber Event Liability provides coverage for third party lawsuits relating to a cyber event, such as a data breach of cyber-attack.
Coverage snapshot
When a cyber breach is discovered, what measures are in place to assist the insured? Privacy Breach Expenses provides assistance to your company to determine the cause of the event, investigate the impact, and facilitate the remediation process.
Coverage snapshot
Whether your business operations are hosted on a physical network or cloud based, you’re vulnerable to business interruption risks due to a cyber event. If that happens, we can help cover your actual loss and extra expenses incurred in the event of a network outage caused by a system disruption that would not be covered by your Property Business Income policy.
Building on the success of Sovereign SecureR TechPro, Sovereign’s new Sovereign SecureR Commercial wordings and our suite of industry-oriented Sovereign SecureR product offerings come into effect September 1, 2023 – new business and renewal policies with effective dates from September 1, 2023 and onward will be issued using the new wordings. An automatic one-year Liberalization and Coverage Continuity Clause is included for renewing policies so that our partners and clients have sufficient time to become familiar with the new wordings, while benefiting from the broader coverage provided by either the expiring Sovereign policy or the new Sovereign policy in the event of a claim.
*The information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. Please refer to your policy for applicable coverage details, limitations, and exclusions.
Client stories
We see the people behind the policy - BWS Manufacturing
BWS Manufacturing is a second generation, family run business operating out of Centreville New Brunswick. BWS manufactures and distributes various types of trailer products, working with customers to provide top quality transportation solutions across North America. Since 1967, the business has grown into a successful corporation while maintaining its ‘small family’ mentality. People are at the heart of this business; at BWS, their workers are their greatest asset. In 2015, BWS experienced a fire in their paint shop, resulting in a total loss of the facility. Fortunately, thanks to their strong team, their broker partner Palmer Atlantic Insurance and Sovereign Insurance they were able to get back on their feet without losing any production.